Donor Details

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Choose how you want to send the money:

Send your donation electronically via Zelle to Vidyarambam USA account using the email address ''. This is a safer, more expedient alternative to donation by wire or check, but be advised that banks do limit the amount you can send via zelle (usually $3,500-$5,000 per day).

For larger donations, you may need to split the total amount into smaller chunks, or send by Wire or Check.

Donations via Wire Transfer (banks may charge a fee)
A/c name: Vidyarambam USA
A/c number: 4881 289995 5596
Routing number for incoming wires: 026009593
Bank of America
1 Cowboys Way, Frisco, Texas 75034
Tel: (972) 449-5007
Fax: (972) 725-6769

Donations by personal or institutional check, may be sent to the below mailing address
Vidyarambam USA
c/o Mr. Balu Prabhakar
6407 Wrenwood Drive
Dallas, TX 75252

Donor Comments:

Use of some VPN software is known to interfere with the delivery of a confirmation email.
We recommend that VPN be turned off temporarily before pressing the SUBMIT button.