


The Mobile Toy Van of Vidyarambam shuttles from village to village with educational and scientific toys and games kindling the enthusiasm and curiosity of children in the rural areas. The games and toys have been carefully chosen to make their learning practical and joyful, opening their minds to see beyond their immediate settings and environment and making them fly on the wings of imagination.

Children are encouraged to play with these Mind-bending Toys for about 2 hours. The Brain storming games like the Memory retention games, Arithmetic games, Word building, jigsaw puzzles etc…develop hand-muscle coordination; activate the left and right brain thereby enriching the imagination and creativity in children. A firm Foundation is offered to kids and it enables hands on learning through play way method on basic concepts in Math and English language. These toys aim at encouraging children to probe beyond the obvious objectives through discussions and reasoning which leads to the development of their linguistic skills too.

This is a boon for the little ones who do not have access to any such play material. At the end of the session within the school, the Vidyarambam Tutors who accompany the toy van spend “circle time” with the children, singing songs which helps in reinforcing the concepts that they have just learnt.

Vidyarambam is successful in alleviating the fear and hatred towards Education among the rural children by showing them that learning is an interesting aspect in their life. If children can be tapped at the right age and when learning becomes joyful, the hidden talents of the young minds start to bloom and this thirst for knowledge is infused in children once they become a part of Vidyarambam centers.

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